Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What I did on my Spring Vacation

I'm sure you remember the essays we all wrote in grade school entitled, " What I did on my summer vacation". Well, this blog is going to be a pictorial essay of what I did during my spring trip to Ontario !

I couldn't believe how wet the land was. I've seen it this cold before, several times actually, but I don't ever remember no wheels turning and no field work done anywhere I drove on the cusp of April and May. I used to work all the land you see below in the photo; it is tile drained Dundonald Sand Loam....high and sloping toward the south so it doesn't catch the frost late. It's one of the first soil series to get ready to work in the spring. I've planted this farm in corn and/or beans and been done many times before the end of April and I've sowed oats and barley as early as late March when the weather permitted. As you can see, absolutely nothing has been done to any of it.

A severe wind storm on Thursday toppled several large trees in mom's front yard and cut our hydro from 9 am Thursday through noon on Friday. Some parts of Ontario are still without power at this writing. Given that the temperature was right around 5C/40F throughout that time frame combined with a stiff east wind and a rain/snow mix, we didn't suffer too much comfort in the old house on Thursday night. We were *very* glad to get the power back on Friday ! Saturday dawned clear and warm and I spent most of the day clearing and cutting up storm damaged trees. Conveniently, one large limb fell right at the end of mom's laneway so I cut and piled the wood right at the road. I told mom to stand there with the sign until somebody came along and picked up either her or the wood ! :)

The daffodils were just beginning to bloom and these ones growing at the road side by the front gate at my uncle's farm were the farthest along of any I saw.

The lilacs were just thinking about breaking bud. Lilacs LOVE deep, rich soil that has a neutral to slightly alkaline pH and they grow profusely along the road sides throughout that part of the world.

One of my aunts loves to garden and no matter the season it's always a delight to walk around admiring her gardens. Her forsythia was just beginning to bloom on April 30 which puts it about a week behind normal and on the late side of average. Since I have been keeping records, May 10 is the latest I've ever seen forsythia begin to bloom.

To reward me for all my hard work on Saturday (and to show me that she DOES read my blog), mom made a roast beef dinner with 12 Yorkshire Puddings (and between us we ate them ALL). As you can see, I've got one mushed down and I've added lots of salt, pepper and gravy which is how God intends Yorkshire Pudding to be eaten ! Mmmm !

And of course the three amigos had to ride again, if only briefly. Our meeting place this time was Dave's dairy farm. Thanks to Dave's wife Lisa for the maple oatmeal pie and the whiskey (and for putting up with us before, during and after the whiskey was consumed).


Funder said...

Welcome back!

I think it's adorable how yall call it hydro. Bummer about the power going out - but maybe it'll get your mom to think about moving somewhere with better services?

Going north in the spring must be like time traveling. Daffodils just coming up! Shrubs budding out! It's like a quick trip back to February for you. :)

RuckusButt said...

No wonder you are tired of clearing trees! We had huge winds the same day and there were many downed trees and power lines, houses with shingles missing, etc. We were lucky and the only issue is that our black box (paper recycling bin) went missing. Of course, our fence collapsed the week before :)

Ha, my forsythia beat yours by one day, lol. Must be the extra heat in the city :)

[I'm curious: Why is "hydro" adorable?]

Funder said...

I just think it's a really cute thing to call the power!

Jason said...

Funder; You're exactly right on the time travel ! Even the weather reminded me of southern middle TN in late February.

RB; No doubt about there being a lot of hot air in Ottawa. With all the political rhetoric, it's a wonder folks there can't grow bananas. :)