Cool, cold, warm or hot ?
Melissa and I are complete opposites on this topic.
You see, Melissa loves heat, and by this I don't mean Melissa likes it kind of warm. Melissa likes it HOT. She is just beginning to get comfortable when the outside temperature is 80 degrees. Ninety degrees is a comfortable summer day in Melissa's world. Over the course of several years, I have watched her ride, put up hay, build fence, and do all sorts of strenuous tasks with the mercury at or above 100 (very humid) degrees, and I have never heard her complain that it was too hot to complete any task. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Melissa works outside all summer long wearing jeans and boots and often she's wearing a long sleeved shirt.
Seventy degrees is two shirts and a sweater in Melissa's world. If she's sleeping, it's also a pair of jogging pants over top of a pair of long underwear. I am only moderately surprised by how cold her extremities can get while sitting in a 70 degree house, but it amazes me that her torso can also be seriously cold. Melissa gets all of this honestly enough. Neither of her parents function at all in cold weather, and (so they tell me) they both exhibit all the same symptoms as Melissa !
Frankly I find all of this unbelievable. When it's hot outside (anything over 80 degrees) I want to be wearing the least amount of clothing that is decently possible. If I am working while it's hot and I'm not near any sort of public venue, my normal attire is shorts, socks and work boots. If I have a shirt with me at all, it's usually soaked in water (or my own putrid sweat) and tied around my head. In spite of this, if I'm working strenuously I still look like I am going to have a stroke.
That I live in a place where it's over 80 degrees consistently for five months of the year and part of the time for two months more is a true test of my love to Melissa. If I had my druthers, I prefer cool over hot weather and I always prefer cool nights (say 45 degrees) for sleeping. I set posts and built fence all day today while working in my shirtsleeves (and unlined Carthartt bib overalls) in bright 35 degree sunshine. A little cool, but if I had to choose that or 90, it'd be an easy choice !
Cool, cold or warm ? Which do you prefer ? How about your SO ?
More Indoor Projects
1 day ago
We both like it hot. 80 to 90 is just fine. Anything under 50 is fairly unpleasant. 25 with snow accumulating at 1-2" per hour is absolutely unacceptable.
well... off to put on 4 layers to fight my way to the barn just so I can revel in the fact that I really can't do anything enjoyable and what has to be done will undoubtedly result in frozen extremities despite planning and equiping.
I went riding today in about 28F weather (it's like -3C). Jeans with knee socks underneath on the bottom and tank top+waffle weave top+sweatshirt on the top. Was perfectly comfortable. I keep the house at about 65 (most because I'm cheap) but it's at 55 from 11pm until 7am. It's 63 in the house right now and im in pj pants and a tshirt.
No SO to worry about, I get full control of the thermostat!
Wow! Melissa is a lover of hot weather! I get physically sick in the hot, humid weather. Ug.
I'm all about the cool! I had a riding lesson today, in almost white out conditions (no indoor here!). It was about 14* with wicked winds. And we did great! :D
I also loooove sleeping with the bedroom window open...and a fan blowing on me!
Both, please!
I kind of like the changing of the seasons. I love bright hot sunny days in summer, but I love snow and frozen ground and fires in the woodstove too. We haven't gotten enough snow yet for me to be ready for spring, but when it gets here I'll be excited about that too. :)
My wife and I are now living in Giles County, TN, but we are originally from Chicago area, so we know what real cold is. Speaking of real cold, we would like to talk with you about buying some beef for our freezer. Please send me a message or call me at your convenience. - Kelly (& JoAnna)
kaymo -at- yahoo -dot- com
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I'm in my heavy, lined Carhart bibs and jacket if its anything below 40°F. I'm happiest in 80-90°F weather. My Arab feels the same! We don't do much in the winter. He gets bundled up in his 287 rugs and begs to sleep in his stall at night in the winter. He's quite reluctant to do much work in the winter. Its rarely too hot for us to ride in the summer though!
My husband and his QHs like the cold. He won't ride if its too hot (80+) and he likes to keep the house at 65°F. He then wonders why I walk around bundled up in thick socks, sweaters and hoodies and STILL have cold feet and hands. I hate winter! Neither of his boys even has a blanket and they'd be happier if I let them stay outside at night in the winter (I make them stay in their stalls at night to keep my Arab company).
@SmartAlex - Yucky ! That said, you're picture on Grey Horse blog looks like a wintry postcard !
@451 - Canadian girls LOVE the cold, eh ? :)
@Sylvia - But not THAT cold, eh ! 14 degrees and whiteout conditions is no time for a lesson, IMO ! How did your trainer SEE you ? LOL !
@Funder - I'm that way too, but I get most excited when the 90 plus weather is over with !
@Kelly - Sent you an email with more details !
@ Candy's Girl - Are you by chance secretly related to Melissa ? And is you're husband secretly related to me ? :)
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